Abaco Shelter - Potcake Dog Rescue

Abaco Shelter Dog Rescue for Royal Bahamian Potcakes
(Potcake Paradise - S01E05)

We headed back to Marsh Harbour in our rental car for a second day. Today's mission was to have lunch with the shelter's volunteers and then head to the shelter to take pictures and videos of the dogs. We had a great trip!

Abaco Shelter is a volunteer-run dog rescue for Potcakes throughout the Abacos. Royal Bahamian Potcakes are a mix-bread, island dog that is smart, hardy, protective, fun, and the best companion you’ll ever have.

Abaco Shelter is a sanctuary for stray and abandoned dogs. The shelter volunteers are improving the lives of the Potcakes through spay, neuter, rescue, & adoption efforts throughout the Abacos here in the Bahamas.

In addition to being volunteer-run, the shelter is 100% funded by donations. Much of the old shelter was demolished and washed away by Hurricane Dorian. A couple of storage containers remained and through countless volunteer hours and lots of amazing donations, the shelter was rebuilt and is now better than ever.

The shelter houses about 20-40 Potcakes at any given time with a strong effort to keep that number low. Puppies, as well as adult dogs that need special attention, will typically be in a foster home. There are currently about 12 lifetime residents at the shelter that are too feral to be adopted. If you would be interested in more information about adopting, donating, or volunteering, please contact the shelter at AbacoShelter.org.

Remember, be the light, and go out into your world and make a difference!


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